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Tuesday, January 29, 2013


We are listening to two ladies discussing their current investments that they have accrued for their futures.  Lisa is an artist in Santa Fe New Mexico who is white and 58 years old.  Brenda works at a brewery in Milwaukee WI is 61 years old and is from Iceland who has been a US citizen for 25 years.
Question 1: Where are your investments and how well are they doing?
Lisa: My investments are 85% in the stock market with the remainder in bonds and CD’s bank.  My return on investment in the last 5 years has been 7% “great”.
Brenda: My outlook on investing is not your run of the mill.  I have invested in a truck farm, precious metals and weapons. My investments have returned me 35% return in 3 years. Don’t follow the herd, it gets slippery going.
Question 2: How does the future look for the world of investing?
Brenda: I would be looking for more land with wooded area’s on the property.  I feel that you may not make as much as money as in the stock market, but I least I can look at it and touch it. I like commodities delivered and in sight and hand.
Lisa: I think that the market will go higher.  I may hedge with commodity stocks because the market is so high.  I like to look at my holdings on line.  I like to keep my investments at arm length.
Question 3: What if the stock market took a plunge ½ all over the world?
Lisa: I would be in a world of hurt and misery.  I do not have any investment of any other kinds to break the fall of my investments.  This could never happen.
Brenda: Why do you think I have not been putting all of eggs into one basket?   An OCCURRANCE is coming.  I want to be able to grow my own food, trade, and above all protect my holdings.  Paper will be very hard to eat and defend with. Where Are You Going To Go???

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The Conversation is about gays in the public eye and what they seem to be working towards as a world vision with some of the positions they are taking. Joy is 27 year old white women from Bakersfield Ca.  Marcie resides in St Cloud Mi has been in USA for 9 years as a citizen of her 33 years from her native Italy.
Question 1: What do you think about the idea of gay couples being married?
Joy: This has been a long time in transition from the old days when gays were talked about in the back room. Gay couples have the right by law to be married.  Marcie: Our country was founded on the belief in God.  Read the Bible and anyone can see that a man and women are the only ones to be married.  Gays cannot produce offspring.
Question 2: How do you feel about gay couples in union adopting children?
Marcie: This is a terrible idea of how to raise a child.  Children need to be raised by a true Mother and True Father.  How can there be a true family with two people of the same sex.  Who is going to tell the child the Facts Of Life; the gays?  Joy: A couple with a good union will be able to raise any child.  The only thing the child needs to see is the love between the couple in the union.
Question 3: How has the presentation of gays in media (books, movies, press) affected our society and especially our children?
Joy: It has been great to see people come out of the closet.  A person no longer must feel that they are second class citizens just because they are gay.         Marcie: Why should 3% of the population be able to dictate how a man and wife are compared to a union that was illegal 10 years ago?  Gays have their place in society, but that does not mean that we should champion a union which is not natural and not moral.  This is not an example for our children.
Where Are You Going To Go???

Sunday, January 20, 2013


There are two southern gentlemen giving their views on activity all over the world with countries borders.  Jose is a 57 years old Latino rancher in Arizona who lives four miles from the Mexican border.  Archer lives in the Red River Valley in Texas. He is 63 years old from England a US citizen for 17 years who owns a produce packing and distribution company.   
Question 1: What do you think of non-citizens coming into another country?
Archer: I think that everyone needs a job in order to support their family.  There are usually jobs these people are suited for that our people will not do.
Jose: What do people think about when they hear the word illegal?  They must realize that we have laws for a reason. The existing laws should be enforced.
Question 2: Who would want illegal’s coming into our country and for what reason would we be helping them to cross a border?
Jose: These people are monsters.  They are users of the poor and downtrodden. Some of the women end up as sweat shop workers or lady’s of the evening. The men and boys end up in hard labor, landscaping until they drop, or drug mules.
Archer: Businesses need work done and they are able to pay cash to complete their jobs.  This gives the workers money so they will be able to support their families.  Many of their native lands will not support them as there is no work.
Question 3: Should children born in another country be able to claim citizenship and benefits from that country with parents being able to become citizens also?
Archer: We need more people to do some of the labor jobs in country.  Some children will be born in that country and they should take care of those families.
Jose: This is why public aid systems and school systems all over the world are going broke.  No country can support all the freeloaders that come in illegally.
Where Are You Going To Go???

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


This is an exchange between two gentlemen on opposite sides of the fence which is how far will or can the Credit in the World go? Harry is a 47 year old white male from Seattle Washington who works in a state prison.  Brandon is a rep for a finance company a Canada native who has been a US citizen for 9 of his 37 years.
Question 1: Should there be a balanced budget on any expenditure by any government body (in other words, if spent there must be a way to pay for it).
Harry: How can we expect any government to function if everything has to be balanced?  Do you want to have families lose their homes, starve, or have no future do to a few dollars?  Of course not, we must help people and tax the rich.
Brandon: We must balance the budget, If we do not our unborn children will suffer in the future.  A politician the day after they are elected is giving away pork in order to be reelected.  We must make the politicians accountable.
Question 2: What do you think will happen if budgets are not balanced?
Brandon: This is very easy to figure out.  All money will be inflated which will mean that whatever money you are using will become pennies of its value.
Harry: Why worry about a future budget.  We should be living for the time and taking care of our poor, disadvantaged, and the people who never had a chance.
Question 3: If the world economy collapsed what will happen to the people?
Harry: That is a question that is hard to answer. I know that it would be very hard.  I would think that we as a people could depend on government to survive.
Brandon: This would mean we would lose half of the population in the world.  The USA alone would lose 150,000,000 (150 Million ) people (men women children) in only 5 years. Bad News To All
Where Are You Going To Go???

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Some of us have a limited amount of skills, but we sometimes have what is known as assets.  The old saying money talks and bull**** walks is very true here.  Some people have been so busy taking care of their company or position that they have not have had the time to build other skills that could be used if the world was to change.
Remember that if an occurrence happens that your world could change overnight.  It would be very helpful to have some insurance that you and your family would be protected no matter what the world could bring.  Maybe you do not believe that something could happen.   Pull your head out of the sand and look to what is happening in the world.  An occurrence could happen at any time.
Why should you get involved in a Haven?  The main reason if that you are not just burying steel or concrete in the ground.  A team of Helpers will assist in making sure that the Haven is a going concern.  Not just a group of people who are followers, but a team which will be ready to survive.
The Haven Helpers Manual will be the Blueprint for the complete Haven.  Most of the survival crew wants to convince you that a pile of tools, food, and people will take you all the way.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  The right type of skills, renewable food supply, and the right combination of equipment will make the difference from surviving for one year to surviving indefinitely in a Haven.
Take the time to read the Haven Manual and see the difference.  The HM will cover all phases of the Haven.  You will know what route to take.  What you need to bring with you.  What kind of transportation.  How you will build the Haven.  HM is the complete Manuel on get the job done and done right.  Where Are You Going To Go???  Please click here to go to the Haven Helper's Skills Blog and enter in your skill.  Haven's Helper Skills Blog