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Sunday, February 23, 2014


Alcohol Can be Gas,

                                      This is the book that Haven Helper's Organization is required to own, learn, and implement. Using alcohol as a fuel will leave Haven Helper's Haven's far superior then any others in existence. To be able to generate energy to provide for your team and to provide for your family and loved ones. When everything is going to hell in a hand basket you are in a Haven that has all the comforts of home. During times of an occurrence when the modern comforts of home are gone your Haven will have it and that will make you ahead of everyone else. The renewable solar fuel that you create will power your Haven with Electricity, will heat your Haven when it's cold outside, it will cool your haven when it's hot out side, and it will cook your food.

                                       If I were to ask a hundred random people from different countries all over the world which country was the super power of the world 90% of them would say the United States of America and they would be wrong. The truth is Brazil is the Country that is the super power of the world. The reason Brazil is the world's super power is because they don't depend on any other nation for its energy production.
                                        Brazil has all of its alcohol produced by sugar cane. Brazil also produces Biodisel using Palm Nut Oil. Anymore small distilleries are producing alcohol and demand is going up above 70-90% Ford is selling so many flex fuel vehicles to Brazil they can barely keep up with the demand.
                                        Ford is an American Company if Ford knows that Flex Fuel Vehicles are far superior and they are selling them abroad by the boat load why are you  still putting oil gasoline in your car? The answer is the oil company's own the government. Politicians are funded by Oil and Energy Companies. The Energy Companies state they are seeking renewable forms of energy to provide for alternative fuels. In all actuality they are just looking for more government subsidies to fund their research while they continue profit like they have done over the last hundred years. What money is better than Government Money that's free?


Wednesday, February 19, 2014


What have we given up as Sovereign States and Countries take away those rights in the form of protections and the common quote on quote good?

United States of America Super Power of the World's stance:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

In America the citizens have many freedoms for firearms  by far more than any other country. However, there are restrictions on fully automatic weapons and certain assault weapons.

United Kingdom has the toughest gun laws in the world. You can not own a firearm that has bullets. You can use these weapons if you are a member of sporting clubs and these weapons are secured and controlled. All semi-automatic weapons are illegal. Possession of a handgun is illegal and possession is an immediate five year prison term.

Why have we let so many people dictate to us what we have the right to have as free responsible adults is absurd. We elect people in some sort of way to make laws that bind us together. Even if we don't live in a country to which we elect leaders we still have the ability to revolt and take back what is ours.

Who should tell you that you don't have the right to defend your home, your family, your Haven? No one. Stop letting the few make decisions for the many.

I live in America as a United States Citizen. We do have the right to bear arms. If you live in a country where you don't have these rights I would suggest that you peacefully seek to change these laws. You elect these people you are in a control. 

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. - See more at:

Thursday, February 13, 2014


The little voice in the back of your mind is giving you fits.  Think of the technology, government intervention, and last but not least, having less money to save or spend.   It would seem that we are in a park and have hopped on a gravity speed ride which just seems to be going faster and faster.  We must go faster in order to keep up.  We keep going faster and faster knowing that if we do not hold on tighter or the ride begins to slow someone will get hurt.
There is a very old quotation which goes like this “Stop and smell the roses or time will pass you by”.   This bring me back to Peace of Mind.  Can you say in your heart that you are better off than let us say 10 years ago? We are at a blood bank and they just keep putting us back in line.  Most people ( 87%) think that all countries are in reverse.  Why must we pay a larger collection of people to not work?  Most people want to work but it seems that there are more roadblocks being set every day.  Why are a small group of people making up the majority of the laws and regulations without input from the people!  We are told we are too stupid to make our own decisions so smarter people will just help you out with those laws and regulations. 
Every year more laws must be written in order to make a bigger pile of crap (red tape) to climb over to get the job done.  We must have more and more people to try to explain what all of this means.  Why can it not just be simple? 
People are beginning to feel very uneasy about their Peace of Mind.  What direction are we headed into?  Picture yourself in a boat and you cannot see land.  The engine is running but which way are we going to go?  No one has a plan so we just keep running around in circles which means that we will run out of fuel, food, and water before we go anywhere.  Are you willing to follow the crowd or will you help everyone by pulling out your compass and give us a direction and therefore Peace of Mind.  Put together your own team of Haven Helper to give them and you  a direction for the future.   Where Are You Going To Go???