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Friday, October 11, 2013


          Where is the money today, all I see is is debt.  Let’s take a look at your finances.  Where are the majority of your assets?  A wild guess would be in your home, car, and the wonderful markets.  Taking a look at your home this is where you have your rock in that you use it year around and maintain it.  You must pay the taxes, upkeep, and utilities.  The way that you pay the bills is from paydays, dividend from stocks and bonds, or perhaps a retirement.  All of your liquid assets are in paper (digital paper) where you cannot see the money, touch the money; you do not known which is yours or theirs.  Let’s say that you have a fire at your home (heaven forbid) and the only thing they save is the foundation, but no one is hurt and you go to the motel with your family.  The next morning you wake up and go to the bank and get some money out to pay the bills, while there you pull you important papers out of your safety deposit box (insurance policy).  Then you go down to your insurance agent and work out to get back into a home.  Life has dealt you a blow, but life is good and you will be back on your feet in no-time.  So you think you have it all figured out?  You do not have a CLUE!
   There is a FIRESTORM coming.  It will not just burn your house, your town, your state, your county, but the whole world. This is a assets fire where everyone loses all their personal wealth at the same time.  The fire may have already started somewhere in the world where it is smoldering waiting for some fuel to make it a raging inferno.  Remember we talked about paper (digital paper) which is just a promise to pay.  Well in a puff of smoke everything that you have as liquid assets can be gone.  How are you going to pay the bills if you have no money?  Tell me what you have if this does happen?  Do you have food, water, heat, weapons, and camping gear?  If you don’t have anything, how will you and your loved ones survive?   Read the blog.  Find a way to have a place to go with the supplies to help you survive the FIRESTORM. Where Are You Going To Go???

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hope Unity Havens

Welcome everyone to our HUH Brand. Hope Unity Havens a division of Havens Helpers. Whenever you see this Hope Unity Havens brand you know it is Haven Helpers.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

This Couldn’t Happen To Me An Article

This Couldn’t Happen To Me An Article

For over a year now Haven’s Helpers at has been teaching our readers to be prepared and to learn skills and build a team in order to survive an Occurrence. All the skeptics of the prepared way of life say the same thing that all of the Sheeples say, “This Couldn’t Happen To Me.” Well Sheeples I have 3 documented accounts below of Occurrences that have been happening in the world recently that prove invariably that YOU MUST PREPARE TO SURVIVE.  Governments in 2013 have abandoned their citizens by stealing 10% of the money of all its citizens from their bank accounts, the Syrian Government shelled their own citizens with Chemical and Biological Weapons killing thousands and poisoning thousands more; and finally, the United States Government shut down due to the Republican Party attempting to defund the Affordable HealthCare Act putting millions of its citizens out of work and closing education funding for children.    

Cyprus in the Mediterranean: Their government took 6-10 % of the personal savings of all its citizens to pay for the unsecured Government Bonds they bought from Greece to bail Greece out of their debt debacle. The other European Union Countries didn’t want to bail them out because they were tired of dealing with the other countries debt issues. The European Countries have bailed out so many countries that the citizens have failed out of favor with this. This Can't Happen to Me. 

The Syrian Government attacked their people on August 21, 2013 with Chemical and Biological Weapons. They attacked their people with nerve toxins and chemical weapons. The Assad Government poisoned by intelligence agencies numbers 3600 civilians. Preliminary intelligence suggests the attacks killed 1,429 people; and of those 1,429 people 426 of those people are confirmed to be children. They used the nerve gas, Sarin and other toxins.

 The Syrian Government was writing about the attack and cables of this writing were intercepted by the United States Intelligency Agencies. The government officials were concerned in their writings and communications that the United Nations Weapons Inspectors would find evidence of the use of chemical weapons on the Syrian people and therefore on August 21st the Chemical Weapons were ordered to cease to be fired. However, intelligence efforts did indicate that heavy artillery shelling continued in the neighborhoods through August 26th. According to Government Sources there is significant more documentation and evidence that remains classified to protect sources, however, this information was provided to our partners in International Countries to further provide evidence that the Syrian Government indeed attacked their own people.This Couldn't Happen To Me.

Government shutdown in the United States:

The United States Government’s Congress failed to pass a spending bill which in turn shutdown the United States Federal Government. Millions of Americans have lost their livelihoods. The United States Government as a purchasing power dynamo is the biggest purchaser of American Goods and Services. When the Government failed to pass a Bill or let it go to the Congressional floor for a straight up yes or no vote in The House of Representatives caused the US Government to shut down. The House wanted to defund  the Affordable Healthcare Act. Congress however, freed up Washington DC’s Money so the Capital could continue to do its business; in other words the Lawmakers who are blocking everyday Americans pay and their jobs are not important, but the Congress is because they are still being paid. Most lawmakers have no trouble keeping their pay while millions of its citizens suffer. The government started attempting to pass `mini bills to appease the populace because of the outrage and backlash they are getting at government services are no longer available that are needed. Examples of this are medical research, National Parks, and limited education funding.This Couldn't Happen to Me.

So I tell all of you This can Happen To You! Where Are You Going To Go???