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Sunday, February 19, 2017

50/50 Equals Nothing

What do we now have going on in America.  This nation is one of the few that has a seamless transfer of power.  It would seem that there are a lot of people that cannot come to grips with losing (50%.)  Where are we headed if we cannot get it together.  We are as the title says headed to NOWHERE. 

Why is this happening.  It is simple to figure out using three words: 1. MONEY 2. POWER 3. HATE.

1. MONEY- Why does the majority of congress which only makes close to $ 200,000 per year become Millionaires?  How does one who only WORKS only 9 months a year generate all of that cash? It would seem that there is a ready market for their services.  Ask yourself what those services are: giving a speech for up to $25,000 + for 30 minutes, traveling with your people to countries all over the world with everything paid for, a special retirement plan (not social security) which is more than they made while working, and last but not least a golden medical plan next to none.

2. POWER- How would like a new job which could lead to a lifetime of easy living.  Every play, movie, dinner, and social meeting you get the best seating, free meals, and of course networking with the movers and shakers. They can make laws which can help certain people They have a personal staff which are your friends and family which are well compensated.  You can set yourself up for retirement or the worse because  you may not get elected.  They also have your own protective detail.  Their guards all carry guns to protect them  and their family. When did you have your own security force? They want to take all the guns.

3. HATE- Everyone hates change of any kind.  Make it a change of life for anyone, and you have a real hate for the change makers.  There has been a change in the attitude in America from the last 12 years.  The past was a free ride for a lot of the population that did not deserve anything.  Instead of getting a check in the mail in the future as was the case;  there will be a form to fill out to see if you really qualify for that check. Talk about hate, when the life-line is taken from the leeches watch for the hate to go crazy.  The establishment has been sucking on the tit for fifty years.  Watch the hate grow as more and more when someone is checking where the money is going.

The question is: Do you like the path the country is going, if yes, everyone is in the right place.  If the answer is no, why not book a trip to Cuba, and see what kind of aid they will give them (I hope they like sugar cane and sleeping on the beach.)  The problem is that no one has left, even the ones that promised that they would.  The people that are working against the people in power could cause 50-50=0= CIVIL WAR !!!!