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Saturday, July 27, 2013

Guns, Gold, and Bullets

Guns, Gold, and Bullets

Guns, Gold, and Bullets are all valuable but what is the most valuable?  Some would say Gold is the most valuable thing in the world. However, let me put this into the perspective of logic; in my logic it's very simple. I am going to start by asking a few very simple questions. Do you know what the value of Gold is? How is Gold actually valued? Gold is valued in currency from the county you are from. Because the US dollar is the world currency we are going to use this as the example. The dollar is gone people no longer recognize this currency. Stores are still open but how do you pay for a gallon of milk? How much Gold is a Gallon of milk worth, a loaf a bread, pound of hamburger? We no longer really no what the value of Gold is. Gold is rare valuable metal, but what value is it? Gold has been so valuable forever because its shiny, it's rare, and hold's its value over time and appreciates in value. All currency has to have basic principles of economics. The basic principles are the currency has to be scarce, it must be divisible, and it must hold it's value or appreciate in value. Gold is valuable and appreciates in value, it does has scarcity, but its not readily divisible. Gold to make it divisible would you would have to cut it, but then you are sacrificing the gold shavings. The US Mints recycle the shavings to make Gold Coins and press new bars. Okay now let's take a look at the same scenario and let's apply the same standards for Guns and Bullets. I go to the same store and I need milk, hamburger, and bread. Now I am not going to be able to Divide a gun, but I pay for the milk with 5 rounds of .22LR, 5 rounds of .22LR for bread, pound of hamburger 5 rounds of 30/30. If I was looking to buy something more expensive I could purchase say a horse with a rifle, or a handgun of different calibers of my choosing. The horse is a great form of transportation where the gun is valuable because it can be used for defense, offense, and most of all a gun can be used for hunting to harvest food for yourself and your family. Nothing is wasted each item can be reused and does have appreciable value, as well as scarcity. If it comes to the point of all countries having a currency that is no longer worth anything firearms and weapons are only the true currency that will stand the test of time. Something else to think about is Pawn Brokers who I affectionately call vultures. They will buy anything of value and give you nothing for it. What is it they always advertise they will take? Guns, Gold, and Bullets.... Where are you going to go?