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Thursday, September 26, 2013


We have been sitting on our hands.  How have things been in your life?   I would bet that you are like most people are sitting and waiting.  What are you waiting for?  What about a direction?   It would seem that everyone (individuals, business, governments) are all marching in place.  Where are the goals for the future?  We have let other people start making many of decisions that we as individuals should have been making in the past.  If you do not know what we as individuals have given away you must be from another planet.  It would seem that 5% of the population is making 70% of the decisions.  We have given away most of our rights to make our own decisions.  Many people say “why is this happening”  EVERYONE (almost all) wants to be taken care of from birth to the grave.  Before this period of time people took pride in making a living and being independent.  What have we given away to get what we thought was security?  The entire world is getting to the point that the bill is coming due.  We all are looking around to find out who is going to pick up the tab.  We all must remember that we all must pay the bill or default.  The world is not even close to being prepared for the storm that is rolling in.  When the storm gets here it will be every man and women for themselves unless they are prepared for the storm.  Have you even tried to prepare (food, water, shelter) or, will you just keep your head in the sand or up your ??? while the storm gets closer. Where Are You Going To Go ???