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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Does Religion Cause War and is War an Occurrence?

     Does Religion cause War? Throughout time all wars have been fueled by Religions and Religious beliefs. So does Religion cause these wars? Or is it the followers who are the cause of it? Do they do the war in the name of Religion conviction or actually because they actually believe it? These are some serious questions to ask and I am a Christian? But think about it more wars have been fought in the name of Religious Beliefs and power then anything else. Whose right? Do we know who is right or do we all think that we are right? Do we believe so strongly that we take up arms to destroy our fellow man in the name of God? 
      The point here is God does exist, and people feel very strongly about Him, I know I do. I know that I would take up arms for the Lord if called to. However, wars cause displacement, they cause refugees and they cause occurrences. In these times you are going to need a place to go. You are going to need a Haven. Because we know from our Who do you Trust Article there isn't a whole lot of people you can trust other than God in an Occurrence situation. So as many know trust in your God first, your family second, and your Team Haven.

Where Are You Going to Go????

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Guns, Gold, and Bullets

Guns, Gold, and Bullets

Guns, Gold, and Bullets are all valuable but what is the most valuable?  Some would say Gold is the most valuable thing in the world. However, let me put this into the perspective of logic; in my logic it's very simple. I am going to start by asking a few very simple questions. Do you know what the value of Gold is? How is Gold actually valued? Gold is valued in currency from the county you are from. Because the US dollar is the world currency we are going to use this as the example. The dollar is gone people no longer recognize this currency. Stores are still open but how do you pay for a gallon of milk? How much Gold is a Gallon of milk worth, a loaf a bread, pound of hamburger? We no longer really no what the value of Gold is. Gold is rare valuable metal, but what value is it? Gold has been so valuable forever because its shiny, it's rare, and hold's its value over time and appreciates in value. All currency has to have basic principles of economics. The basic principles are the currency has to be scarce, it must be divisible, and it must hold it's value or appreciate in value. Gold is valuable and appreciates in value, it does has scarcity, but its not readily divisible. Gold to make it divisible would you would have to cut it, but then you are sacrificing the gold shavings. The US Mints recycle the shavings to make Gold Coins and press new bars. Okay now let's take a look at the same scenario and let's apply the same standards for Guns and Bullets. I go to the same store and I need milk, hamburger, and bread. Now I am not going to be able to Divide a gun, but I pay for the milk with 5 rounds of .22LR, 5 rounds of .22LR for bread, pound of hamburger 5 rounds of 30/30. If I was looking to buy something more expensive I could purchase say a horse with a rifle, or a handgun of different calibers of my choosing. The horse is a great form of transportation where the gun is valuable because it can be used for defense, offense, and most of all a gun can be used for hunting to harvest food for yourself and your family. Nothing is wasted each item can be reused and does have appreciable value, as well as scarcity. If it comes to the point of all countries having a currency that is no longer worth anything firearms and weapons are only the true currency that will stand the test of time. Something else to think about is Pawn Brokers who I affectionately call vultures. They will buy anything of value and give you nothing for it. What is it they always advertise they will take? Guns, Gold, and Bullets.... Where are you going to go? 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Survival of The Fittest

Survival of the Fittest: A 19th-century concept of human society, inspired by the principle of natural selection, postulating that those who are eliminated in the struggle for existence are the unfit. 
(Definition Courtesy of 
     When Charles Darwin originally coined this term he was looking at the cause and effect of Natural Selection. Darwin spent a great deal of time cataloging, observing and recording  nature in his field journals. His observations were that in each piece of nature the small and unfit were consumed  and such at the bottom of the Eco Chain. As an example mice would be considered at the bottom of the food chain. However a Lion on the other hand would be at the head of the food chain. There is no one other predator more dominant than the lion. 
     The lion stalks it's prey stealthy. The lion knows it's a predator it knows it rules. The lion doesn't ask for what it wants he takes it. He is dominate and powerful and mean. He will rip your heart out and eat it. The lion doesn't care about resources; he doesn't worry about preparing. He just ravages the land taking what it wants when there is nothing left the lion moves on to a new pride holding and takes over that area. 
      Now the only thing the lion fears is man and his ability's to kill him dead in his tracks. How do you kill a predator? The only methods God Gave US. GUNS! The lion, the bear, the predator, your next door neighbor, your brother down the road who sponges off the welfare system, the police who were sworn to protect you. You see anyone can be the Lion and anyone can be man, but the difference is who are you going to choose to be? Lion the predator or man the prepared? 
      Scenario for perspective: Your county has been hit by a tornado that has flattened most of the city, left people homeless, there is no food and no water, on top of all of this the tornado has taken out half of the prison that is a half a mile from where you live. You learn from the radio that with portions of the walls taken out by the twister inmates are escaping the prison. All of the locked cell doors have opened because they are on electronic locks which malfunctioned because of the great power surges. The guards are easily out numbered and can not get to any arms because the area has been blocked by debris. The only things the guards can do to save themselves is to lock themselves in a manual lock-down cage until the Calvary arrives. Inmates see the guards are no threat to them and so 50% of the prison population is loose in your county. 
       You choose to be Man and be prepared. Your home was spared the disaster because it was very heavily fortified concrete blocks and steel. You also have caches of food, medicine, water, power, fuel, guns, and ammunition. You see from your look out post that people are wandering aimlessly trying to get anything and everything they can to survive. There is a party of five people with pipes, bats, crow bars, and knives coming towards your home. You see them go into your neighbors home and break in pull your neighbor out start to beat her and trying to rape her. Man fires one warning shot into the air and yells for the Lion the predator to stop. The predator looks your way and ignores you. The second shot is through the forehead which blows the back half of his head off. The lion is down. 
          See the lion can be a true lion in the jungles of Africa, or it can be ordinary people pushed to do incredibly stupid things in an emergency situations where they are not prepared. They then turn into the lions the predators who take what they want when they want to survive. So are you going to be the hunter or the hunted? Are you going to be a man or a lion? 
Where are you going to go?  

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Trust is a wonderful thing to have as it can get you through some bad times.  When you have trust you can be very productive no matter what you are doing or where you are going.  How is your trust factor today, and will it be better in the future? 
What do you put you trust in?  Let us take a walk through a short list of some ideals that all of us trust in:
GOD:  Not so long ago the trust in one’s GOD was significant, but today all faiths are losing large numbers of followers.  There are a number of reasons for the fall of in faith.   Greed (sin) is the number one driving factor that moves people away.  All religions have a set of laws that must be followed in order to maintain the ideals and the codes that their religions practice.  The church, temple, shrine or mosque does not pay you to attend so why go says the majority of would be church goers.   Most people cannot find time to spend with others of the same faith. Most churches in Europe are empty with the same apathy approaching North America, Australia, and the Far East which means that the whole world thinks that they have the solution to death.  The majority of people have the belief that they can take care of their own future which could be a fatal mistake. Most people as we see do not trust in anything other than themselves.  The moral of this story is to trust in your God as you cannot do everything yourself.
FAMILY:  The family has been paramount through the ages.  A person taking a look at life today gives everyone a different prospective on family life.  No one has the time to spend with the family members.   Rarely does the whole family set down to meals together.  Most family members are busy talking, texting, or surfing the web.  Children do not even go outside any more as they are playing computer games, or watching TV.  The adults are so protective that the children end not being able to cope with simple problems and interacting with other children.  Have you been witness to a pick-up game of baseball, basketball, dodge ball, where they keep score and try to win?  The old days (pre-WW 2) saw the elderly being taken care of until they passed away in the family home.  Today the children are quick to move their parents and other family members into independent living which leads to the nursing home.  These elderly members of society are in most cases forgotten and left with none caring professionals who take all of their life saving and then live off of the government until they pass away.  The whole idea is me.  I need to think about me, and maybe my immediate family, as we are too busy to deal with other people.  Have you thought about when you to get old?  How many couples are not getting married?  Only 34% of people are getting married.  The children that are being born are bastards, so what these children have allegiance to.  They see their parents as the ones who do not even care about them enough to get married.  Marriage most also not be the answer as 50% of the people who do get married are divorced within five years.  You can see that the children in most cases do not have a chance.  How can you trust in your own family?  Have a death in the family and see who you can trust. You must work on your trust with your family members.
FRIENDS:  A person one knows well and is fond of which is different than an acquaintance which is a person or persons whom one knows only slightly.  Would you want to put your hope and faith in a friend or an acquaintance?  Having a group of true friends my mean your death of survival in the future.  Not knowing who are your true friends or acquaintances is what you need to know.  How can you tell the difference?  Deal only with people who are honest.  Deal with people who have skills, if you get in a situation where you need help, you do not need someone else to take care of.   Friends are people who you network with.   Do not put all of your eggs in one basket as it will come back to haunt you in the future.  Remember that the people you cannot trust now are not the ones to be trusting in the future.  The first thing to do is take and inventory of your friends.  Mark down what kind of skills they have and see what they could mean in the future.  The past tells you how the future will ring in with your friends, if they run when you ask for help, beware this will make for a difficult future.  The people you choose will make the difference between your survival and death.  Get new friends who you can trust.
BIG GOVERNMENT:  What do think would happen with an occurrence with the big government?  The very first thing that any official will be looking for is a safe place to go with all of the creature comforts.  You say no that they will be looking out for our best interests as the common man; you have been reading too many novels with happy endings.  The most important agenda to any government official is (after saving their own but) keeping their power.  They do not care about anything about taking care of the folks until they find out where they are in the pecking order.  An occurrence means to any official that there may be something in it for them.  You do not believe that I am telling you the skinny?  You think about seeing any official who has went into office coming out poor when he has left office.  The only way you will receive any help is if the problem that you have will be an advantage to the public official.  Now when you think about what your chances are for trusting you big government in time of an occurrence don’t bet the farm that it will end well. Think before you trust big government.
Local Government:  These are the people that you deal with on one on one basis in your daily life.  If you have good friends in local government this can be really helpful.  If you have enemies in the local government you could be in a world of hurt if there is an occurrence.   The word is making friends no enemies.  Try to help your local officials when they need help as it can pay large dividends.   Get to know your local police as they can be a great source of information.  Observe all the Local laws regarding your property (zoning and permits).  Remember that working with local officials is a give and take situation; always give more than you take as it will pay large dividends.  Have Local officials you can trust.
In closing make a good plan so that you are in a good position when that occurrence happens.  You must know who you can TRUST.  Where Are You Going To Go???