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Friday, November 16, 2012



     Going back to basics doesn't mean technology isn't going to be something that you will not use or will not need. Computers will give you the access to take inventory of vast amounts of information and will allow you to be organized. There are ways to be prepared to keep your electronics in working order to have ways to save data electronically until order is restored. We can prepare to have our own electricity source. Solar power is the best way to recharge in the event that you don't have any electricity. You can go off grid and still have everything that you need.
A smart phone will be the greatest thing that you can have in your possession.  The smart phone can have books, road maps, and inventory.  Now that you have the tools what do you do with them? You can use the word processor program to write out a journal, notes, and plans. Spreadsheets are very valuable tools because they can calculate a lot of numbers and can be made into forms for use.  As well, Spread Sheets help you to create lists and inventories of supplies: For example you can inventory the amount of food that you have, water, batteries, expiration dates, and fuel sources.
Just be sure that you have a backup system for you smart phone, computer, iPod, nook, kindle or any other computer.  Also you will be able to store all of your entertainment which means music, movies, games and anything you can put on a computer.  Just do not think you will be able to get on the internet as it may not be operating depending on the type of occurrence which has happened.   
If a when you have your Haven you can keep a handheld computer in you Haven so you have the benefits of all the things that a computer can do.  Remember to protect your computer from EMF which could destroy computer and all the data which you have.  The Haven blog will show you how to protect all of your electronic equipment from damage.  Where Are You Going To Go???