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Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Have you ever watched a sports team and wondered how they can be so good and win all of those games.  Every team may have a superstar or two, but how good would they be if they did not have the support of the whole team?  A good team goes into private life, public life, and even into family life.  How would you like to try to make it on your own?    Scary thought is it not? 
When the world has an occurrence (Not If), will you have the team together that you need to survive?  It will be very hard to put a group together when the world is turning upside down.  There will not be one superstar able to know it all, answer all the questions, and perform all of tasks to get the job done. 
There will a number of traits that a HAVEN team will be looking to find.  Let us think about the most important trait.  Attitude is the most important part of any team.  When you do not believe that you cannot work your way through a problem you usually cannot.  If your team does not believe they cannot work through an occurrence they won’t. 
Picking the right team members is very important.  We have heard the old saying “One bad apple spoiled the whole bushel”.  How can your group have the knowledge to make the right choices?
Taking a look at a person’s background is one of the most important indicators of what to look for in a team member.  Another trait to look for is how people interact with each other.  Showing respect for each other is also very important.   Many of the choices that the team will make will make a difference between surviving or dying. Where Are You Going To Go???