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Saturday, November 10, 2012


What is ELECTRICITY and where does it come from?  Let us keep it simple.  All homes in the United States have 120/240 volt system.  The service size in 98% of the homes is 60 amps, 100 amps, or 200 amp single phase 60 cycles.  How does electric work in the home?  All one must do is flip a switch to find out the answer.  Today’s modern home uses all of the power of electric to: Heat, Light, Clean, Cool, and of course powers our games and entertainment. A hundred years ago a family was happy to have light after dark.  Today’s family is very upset if they lose power for an hour of one day. 
Power if produced at the powerhouse by the use of a generator which is turned by steam, nuclear, or coal.    There are also other generators but let us keep it simple.  All power companies generate at 13,200 volts.  All power companies TRANSFORM   (remember this term)  this voltage to 34,500 volts, 69,000 volts, 138,000 volts, or the big daddy 345,000 volts.  Why do we want higher voltages?   The formula is volts times amps equals watts.  The higher the voltage there is the less drag or resistance to flow in the wires.
Every step requires a transformer to step it down or step it up. Take any one of the transformers out of the line and you have no power to your home.  Sandy in 2012 took out 8 million customers on the East Coast.  It took three weeks to get some of those customers back in power.  Three weeks without power is a long time.  What would you think of 18 months without power? Most of the transformers in the line to your home take 18 months to REPAIR.

Just think about how you and your loved ones would cope with being out of power for a year and a half.  Where are you going to go???